2017. október 12., csütörtök

With A Few Inexpensive Items, You Can Give Your Room A Luxurious Upgrade

If you’re tired of your boring old headboard and you’re also low on cash, check this out.

With a few simple tools, you can revamp this old standby for a fraction of what you’d spend on a new one. This light-up headboard is gorgeous, and you can alter the project to make one that’s chic enough for adults or playful enough for kids! Check out the instructions below.

People are so creative, aren’t they? I never would’ve thought of that! Home decor can cost a pretty penny, but projects like this can help you cut corners without sacrificing beauty or quality.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/diy-light-up-headboard/

With A Few Inexpensive Items, You Can Give Your Room A Luxurious Upgrade

2017. október 11., szerda

There"s Such A Thing As Indoor Skydiving And It"s Just As Awesome As It Sounds

I consider myself pretty adventurous…

I’ve gone bungee jumping, scuba diving, and whitewater rafting. And while I’d love to say I’ll soon add skydiving to that list, I can’t really see it happening. And a lot of people would agree with me…

Because jumping out of a plane is scary.

But for the Mad Ravens, a team of daredevils who skydive on the regular, it’s less terrifying and more second nature. Watch as they compete at the World Indoor Skydiving Championships — it’s nothing short of jaw-dropping!

This kind of skydiving seems to border on dance, death, art, and sport.

If it’s more safe than the plane alternative, I may actually end up giving it a whirl! Who’s with me?

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/indoor-skydiving/

There"s Such A Thing As Indoor Skydiving And It"s Just As Awesome As It Sounds

2017. október 10., kedd

Bull Shark Attacks Spear Fisherman At Full Speed, Completely Unprovoked

When we think of scary sharks, we often think of Great Whites.

After all, they’re enormous. Those teeth are the stuff of nightmares. In reality, many shark attacks are carried out by the Great White’s much smaller cousin, the bull shark. Known for being aggressive and living in shallow, warm water around the world, you’re much more likely to run into one of these nasty fellows.

A spear fisherman swimming off the coast of North Queensland, Australia, however, caught a highly unusual and terrifying behavior on video.

All of a sudden, the bull shark appears out of nowhere, attacking him unprovoked. I’m so glad he had a spear with him!

Read More: His Free Dive Into A Frozen Lake Is Both Amazing And Terrifying

Fortunately, the diver managed to fend off the shark without sustaining injuries. Still, it’s an incredibly scary experience. SHARE this video with the people you know who can’t get enough of Shark Week.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/bull-shark-attack/

Bull Shark Attacks Spear Fisherman At Full Speed, Completely Unprovoked

2017. október 9., hétfő

When You See This Cop"s Act Of Charity, You"ll Be Inspired To Do The Same

The duty of police officers is to protect and serve the community. That means stopping crimes from happening, ensuring the safety of those who live in their precincts, and making sure that people are obeying the law.

But there are other ways that cops can protect and serve. For instance, this officer saw a homeless man with worn-out shoes sitting in a parking lot. That’s when he took action in the kindest, most genuine way.

A simple act of kindness went a long way for this humble cop. We should all try to follow in his footsteps!

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/homeless-shoes/

When You See This Cop"s Act Of Charity, You"ll Be Inspired To Do The Same

Koko The Gorilla Has An Important Message That Everyone Needs To Hear

Called “the voice of nature” by the Gorilla Foundation, Koko the gorilla has wowed humans across the globe with her abilities for years. When she talks, people listen. The 45-year-old genius communicates brilliantly in sign language, and she knows well over 1,000 words.

And her latest message is so important. As we all know, the Earth’s climate is rapidly changing, and humans are single-handedly destroying the beautiful planet we call home. Koko wants us to know that we can make a change if we stop what we’re doing and band together, but she also makes it clear that this change needs to happen soon. Check out the video below to hear all of what this incredible animal has to say.

It’s clear that Koko has a deep passion for the world around her. She may not be human, but her message is just as important as anything we have to say about the matter. How amazing is she?

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/koko-the-gorilla/

Koko The Gorilla Has An Important Message That Everyone Needs To Hear

2017. október 8., vasárnap

18 Kids Who Are So Darn Happy, That It"s 100% Infectious

As adults, we’re all too caught up in our work lives to focus on making ourselves happy.

That’s probably the one thing I miss most about being a kid. Everything just appeared to be filled with pure, unadulterated joy, and even the tiniest things could put a smile on my face. Small children really understand the concept of not sweating the small stuff and finding beauty everywhere.

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Like laughter, happiness can be contagious, so here are 17 infectiously happy kids who are sure to brighten your day.

1. Because there’s no greater feeling than cheering on your favorite sports team.

2. Who knew trying new foods could be this exciting?

3. This tiny tot can’t contain her happiness about going for a ride.

4. In life, all you need is a four-legged best friend and a puddle to jump in.

5. If she keeps this up, she might just be the next Doctor Dolittle.

6. This little kid’s excited about his new job at UPS.

7. It’s not every day you see a kid get this excited about a race.

8. I have this same reaction whenever I make popcorn (until I realize that I’ve managed to burn it yet again).

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9. I don’t think I was ever this excited about riding the school bus.

10. They say it’s the thought that counts, but I think this kid was pretty excited about receiving a banana as a gift.

11. I feel the same way when I roll out of bed and wear my PJs to work.

12. Nothing gets me more excited than when it’s time for food.

13. Power outages are literally the worst, so I can appreciate this kid’s reaction when the lights come back on.

14. This girl goes “off the rails” after watching an approaching train for the first time.

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15. “Can you hear me now?”

16. When you look up happiness in the dictionary, you’ll find a picture of an ice cream truck.

17. I used to do this exact same dance whenever my parents bought me new clothes.

18. I miss the days when I could get this excited about losing a tooth and finding 50 cents under my pillow.

I didn’t expect these kids to have such an effect on me, but their joy makes me want to turn back time and spend the afternoon watching cartoons while eating dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets. I think I just might.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/infectiously-happy-kids/

18 Kids Who Are So Darn Happy, That It"s 100% Infectious

2017. október 7., szombat

Creepy Video From "Hacktivist" Anonymous Claims To Explain The Coming Of WWIII

Many people have been joking lately that we’re on the verge of World War III, but according to a hacker group called Anonymous, it’s about to happen.

Donning their signature Guy Fawkes mask and robotic voice in one of their latest videos, they warn the public that we need to get ready for the next world war, because a swift and “globally devastating” nuclear attack is imminent. Whether this is true or not is definitely up for speculation, but either way, their message is absolutely chilling.

Watch as they explain why they’re convinced that countries around the world are strategically preparing for war, and that “the citizens will be the last to know.” There’s nothing that isn’t creepy about it.

(via Anonymous)

Read More: Researchers Released Nuclear Bomb Footage To Deter World Leaders From Using Them

While I’m skeptical of the accuracy of their claims, it really freaks me out to consider that any of what they’re saying might actually happen. Share if you’re more than a little worried about what current events may mean for our future.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/anonymous-ww3-video/

Creepy Video From "Hacktivist" Anonymous Claims To Explain The Coming Of WWIII

2017. október 6., péntek

You Think This Horrid Thing Only Happens Abroad, But Kids Are Suffering Right Here

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a practice we usually associate with some of the poorest countries in the world.

FGM involves cutting a young girl’s clitoris and/or labia for religious or cultural reasons. What you probably don’t know is that the practice hits closer to home than you may think. There has recently been a rise in FGM procedures in the United States, and women are now speaking out about what happened to them.

Renee Bergstrom underwent FGM when her Christian parents told their doctor that she was touching herself. He said he “could fix that.”

People don’t realize that FGM occurs across educational levels, social classes, and many religious groups, including Muslims, Christians, and animists.

Read More: Here’s How Much Guns Cost The Government And American Families Each Year

The practice has no medical benefits and across the world the number of women experiencing FGM is declining. Unfortunately, in the U.S., there has been an alarming rise that’s resulted in triple the number of victims.

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According to USA Today

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While it’s illegal according to federal law, only 24 states currently have provisions about FGM, despite at-risk girls living in every state except Hawaii.

(via CNN.com)

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/us-genital-mutilation/

You Think This Horrid Thing Only Happens Abroad, But Kids Are Suffering Right Here

2017. október 5., csütörtök

He Freed A Baby Fox From A Can. After That, The Little One Decided They Were BFFs.

It’s no secret that animals love getting into our trash at night, but sometimes it can be more than annoying. It can leave animals open to unexpected danger.

One day, a homeowner heard whimpering coming from his garden and he knew something was up. After a brief search of the area, he quickly discovered an adorable fox cub stuck inside an empty dog food can.

The man noticed the fox running about in attempt to try and free itself from its tin can trap.

He quickly freed the little fur ball from its prison and the little fox couldn’t have been happier.

Before running back off into the forest, the nugget stopped for a little TLC from its rescuer!

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Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/tin-can-bestie/

He Freed A Baby Fox From A Can. After That, The Little One Decided They Were BFFs.

2017. október 3., kedd

Spray The Inside Of Your Car Doors With Silicone To Keep Them From Freezing Shut

Today was the first day this year that I had to scrape ice off my windshield. Even worse, my car doors were frozen shut — and in the words of Sweet Brown, ain’t nobody got time for that!

Parking your car in a garage is a surefire way to avoid frozen doors, but not everyone has that luxury. Luckily for those of us who park outside, EricTheCarGuy has a brilliant solution for keeping our doors from getting frozen shut, just in time for the harshest months of winter.

After seeing this simple (and cheap) car hack, I’ll never have to deal with frozen doors again.

Read More: This Guy Removed a Pile Of Snow From His Car By Using A Seriously Genius Solution

Come at me, winter! With this hack, I can handle whatever cold weather throws my way. Be sure to share this helpful tip with your loved ones!

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/frozen-car-doors/

Spray The Inside Of Your Car Doors With Silicone To Keep Them From Freezing Shut

2017. október 2., hétfő

This Girl Was Trying On Clothes When She Looked Down. What She Saw Sent Her Running.

In Palatine, Illinois, police are on the hunt for a peeping Tom who attempted to film a minor while she was trying on clothes in a Target dressing room.

Allegedly, the girl had just entered the fitting room when she noticed a hand holding a cell phone under the door. Immediately, she began to scream, causing the man to flee the scene. As of now, the only lead to his identity are a few grainy shots from the store’s surveillance cameras.

Police are urging others to come forward, saying that there might “have been some other instances that may not have been reported, may not have been noticed.” To see more, check out the news report below.

Authorities are asking anyone with information about the man’s identity or other peeping Tom instances in the area to call the Palatine Police Department at 847-359-9000 or Crime Stoppers at 897-590-7867.

Read More: He Was Trying To Sexually Abuse This Teen. Then He Walked Into Her Father’s Gun.

Please share this story with others. Hopefully, someone will recognize this creep and police will be able to put him behind bars where he belongs.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/dressing-room-sicko/

This Girl Was Trying On Clothes When She Looked Down. What She Saw Sent Her Running.

2017. október 1., vasárnap

This Trick Is So Smart And Efficient, You May Never Wrap Presents The Same Again

One of the most tedious parts of the holiday season is wrapping gifts, especially if you’re not great at it.

I certainly struggle when it comes to making my gifts look presentable. It’s definitely the thought that counts, but it’s always nice to give a present that’s just as pretty on the outside as it is awesome on the inside.

Japanese department store Takashimaya has perfected the art of gift-wrapping, and their seasoned pros only take 15 seconds to wrap each box.

It’s a fascinating and mesmerizing process. These professional gift wrappers work incredibly fast!

Youtube / Todd Tripp

I could watch this gift-wrapping hack on repeat for hours, but with those speedy moves, it’s pretty hard to see the step-by-step execution if you want to tackle this method yourself.

Luckily, this guy broke it down and is here to teach us all how to become master present-wrappers.

Youtube / BeatTheBush

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/gift-wrapping-hack/

This Trick Is So Smart And Efficient, You May Never Wrap Presents The Same Again