2016. november 27., vasárnap

Devil Dog Growling At Owner | Funny Dog Grooming Video


August 2011 – This was my neighbors dog in Belmont Shore, Long Beach, California. His name is Bengal. He hates to be groomed. He is upset and growls and it’s so funny cause he never bites anyone. He just doesn’t like being groomed. He turns into a funny devil dog. What a cute little pup!


Watch me skydive over San Deigo, CA https://youtu.be/3QRFx7mIlpc

Watch me go shark diving in Hawaii https://youtu.be/15XdaVSgJm4

Watch me river rafting on the Kern River https://youtu.be/w4XBjNB3kpU

Watch me rappel down a waterfall in Utah https://youtu.be/ITL1eRJ1lfE

Watch me shoot tv with a shotgun https://youtu.be/KECnPE9mI2A


My name is Diana Blackburn (aka Daredevil Girl, aka Swoop Girl). This is my You Tube channel, Daredevil Girl. I’m a relatively new YouTuber. I grew up in Chino, California. Raised a Mormon I realized at the age of 15 the LDS church was not for me. I’ve been very adventurous my entire life. In fact when I was a kid I wanted to be a stuntwoman. I’m pretty sure that ever since I was born I knew that I wanted to fly. I’ve had dreams of flying ever since I can remember. This has led me to a living a life of no fear, going on adventures and loving anything sports and extreme!

I upload many different kinds of videos to my channel every week. Many of these videos are from over ten years ago from my travels and road trips with my late fiancé Wyat Drewes. We gathered footage for our WyDi Productions video company. Wyat swooped my heart. I loved him very much. I met Wyat in 2001 when I was a beginner skydiver. In 2003 we got engaged when he proposed to me at the bottom of a 1,700 ft waterfall on Maui. Wyat died in a motorcycle accident August 10, 2007 in San Diego, California. I miss him terribly every day. He was my best friend and a kindred spirit. I’m super grateful we filmed all of our adventurers together. Wyat lives on in my videos.

I only date women now. Sorry guys, I’m happily a lesbian enjoying life with my adorable girlfriend, Emily.

I have a variety of original content. Videos you will see on my channel are mostly of me on adventures skydiving, speed flying, ground launching, paragliding, shark diving, snorkeling, base jumping, swooping, canopy piloting, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, speed riding, parkour, free running, getting tattoos, cliff diving, jumping off roofs, jumping off piers, zorbing, jumping off waterfalls, Hawaii travel, boxing, fighting, arm wrestling, knife wielding, shooting guns (shotgun is my favorite), punching bag, MMA, working out, doing push ups, doing hand stands, swimming, rock climbing, bouldering, rappelling, fishing, whitewater river rafting, hiking, camping, landscaping, zip lining, stand up paddle boarding (SUP), slam dancing and partying. I love to jump out of airplanes, but I REALLY love to jump out of helicopters!

I post a lot of cute and funny cat and kitten videos as well as videos of dogs, raccoons and other animals. Sometimes I post funny cute babies and kids. I also post videos of cooking, baking tips and survival tips. I post videos of my musician friends playing drums, guitars and bass. The Shaytards said it best: “If life’s worth living then it’s worth recording!!!”

So come and check out more of this female daredevil in action. I hope you enjoy the show! If you do, give a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel. Thank you YouTube fans and subscribers. I love you! I even have love for the trolls! 2016 YouTube Queen! Realizing my dream of being a professional YouTuber! If you like my channel: share, comment and like my videos. Thank you! Love and light!

~ Diana Blackburn (Daredevil Girl)


Devil Dog Growling At Owner | Funny Dog Grooming Video

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