2017. április 26., szerda

Two Men See A Cow Stuck In A Tree And Pull Off Amazing Rescue

There are some accidents so bizarre that you have to see them to believe them.

When a cow somehow managed to get her head stuck between two tree trunks and flip over, I’m sure the cyclists who rode by did more than one double-take. But instead of just ignoring the poor bovine, they stopped to help! When they approach, it looks like the girl has already given up and accepted her fate.

Watch as they carefully maneuver their new friend and pull off this amazing rescue.

Read More: When They Found This Poor Cow, It Looked Like She’d Lost Hope — But Then…

Run, cow! Be free! Just stay in the wide open spaces and away from any trees, deal?

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/cow-stuck-in-tree/

Two Men See A Cow Stuck In A Tree And Pull Off Amazing Rescue

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