2016. április 8., péntek

One Woman Completely Transformed Her Bathroom By Making Small, Inexpensive Changes

Giving any room a makeover sounds like a huge undertaking…unless you work smart, not hard!

Mona is a crafting guru and, as such, knows the secrets to easy home makeovers. In the video below, she transforms her “garbage” bathroom into something gorgeous! Because her bathroom had some plumbing issues, she had to remove parts of the drywall to access the pipes.

As a result, the walls were patched, a hole was cut out in her shower stall, and none of the colors in the room matched. In order to give her room a makeover, she took a trip to Goodwill…and the simple changes she made completely transformed the room. You have to see the “after”!

You don’t need to invest a lot of money to completely change a room!

Now, if only if I could find the energy to do that for my own bathroom!

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/budget-bathroom-makeover/

One Woman Completely Transformed Her Bathroom By Making Small, Inexpensive Changes

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