2016. április 10., vasárnap

Woman Celebrates Her 80th By Going Skydiving...And Then The Worst Thing Happens

Skydiving is an activity for the brave. That’s why it’s on a lot of people’s bucket lists. It’s something that many want to do before they die, but are too afraid to attempt.

When Laverne turned 80, she decided to bite the bullet and cross it off her list. Unfortunately for the octogenarian, everyone’s worst nightmare came true when she slipped out of her safety harness and began falling to Earth.

What an extremely horrifying scene! I’m sure she won’t be trying to jump out of a plane ever again. But her daredevil streak isn’t over…

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/skydiving-accident/

Woman Celebrates Her 80th By Going Skydiving...And Then The Worst Thing Happens

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