2016. július 24., vasárnap

He Filmed A Tornado And Inadvertently Captured The Moment That Tore His Life Apart

After finding himself buried under what was once his home, Clem Schultz grabbed his neighbor’s hand and escaped the wreckage. His house had just been decimated by a tornado.

The neighbor sat Schultz down on a fallen beam and said, “Don’t look down.” The 85-year-old looked at him, clearly puzzled, and asked why. “Because your wife’s right underneath you. She’s dead.”

The revelation sent him reeling as he thought about the four-minute span that just flattened his entire life. Meteorologists on that fateful day back in 2015 warned residents of Fairdale, Illinois, that a tornado was heading right for their town, but Schultz and his wife, Geri, felt confident that it’d miss their home. While Schultz was upstairs grabbing some lanterns, he looked out the window and froze. That’s when he saw it.

He didn’t have time to go back downstairs, so he pulled out his phone and recorded the chilling ordeal.

Clem Schultz Fairdale Tornado Video from Walker Ashley ~ Storm Forensics on Vimeo.

And that was the day he lost everything. Schultz sustained serious back injuries, there was nothing left of his home, and the love of his life didn’t survive. As for the video, he’s glad he recorded it. “I’m proud of it,” he explained to The Daily Herald. “My video is saving lives.”

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/tornado-film/

He Filmed A Tornado And Inadvertently Captured The Moment That Tore His Life Apart

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