2016. július 8., péntek

He Stacked Water Bottles In His Garden. What It Became A Year Later Is AMAZING.

Next time you think there’s no room in your small, cramped apartment for a garden, think again. Because if there’s one thing this YouTuber has taught us, it’s that you can literally grow your own food anywhere on Earth. But how, you ask?

Using a series of bottles, you can create a vertical garden that holds more plants than you thought you’d ever need. All that’s required are water bottles, soil, seeds, and a bit of patience!

You could be a farm-to-table chef in no time! Who knew you could grow so many things in such a small space?!

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/water-bottle-garden/

He Stacked Water Bottles In His Garden. What It Became A Year Later Is AMAZING.

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