2016. december 28., szerda

Shaping the Future


Shaping The Future

Presented by: Leslie Nelson

This Video qualifies for 17 trainer CCPDT CEUs

Leslie Nelson has packed information in this three day working seminar that would take weeks to learn. This is an exciting format that you can follow right along with your own dog practicing with the class. Each behavior is began with instruction and followed thru with handlers working with their dogs to achieve outstanding results.

This workshop will be of interest to instructor’s, trainers, pet professionals and anyone interested in taking their training to a higher level. Leslie shares her latest training tips and techniques that make training fun, understandable and effective whether you are training the family pet or your next competition dog.

Topics include:

Shaping with purpose: teaching complex behaviors using shaping & targeting

Cross Training: Improving performance in all canine sports

Retrieving Workshops: Shaping a reliable retrieve for dogs who don’t retrieve

Video one begins with a massage lesson for relaxation and moves into teaching a retrieve to a handler.

Video two covers retrieves to something else; foundation skills for targeting body parts; skills for life

Video three continues targeting exercises; and walking the walk (heel).

Video four introduces ‘find it’; hand targeting; come around; walking; reinforcements; competition obedience

Video five works with the heel position; backing up; target durations and distance

Video six continues with duration; verbal signals; a retrieve review; and scent work


Shaping the Future

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