2016. december 29., csütörtök

This Poor Dog Had A Huge Gash And Brain Damage, But They Never Gave Up On Her

It never fails to amaze me how our friends at Animal Aid Unlimited are able to rehabilitate even the most hopeless of injured animals.

Muriel’s case is no different — after receiving an urgent call about a dog with a bleeding head wound, volunteers immediately rushed out to rescue her. When they found her, they were horrified to see that she had a huge gash caused by a brutal blow to her head. She had brain damage and couldn’t move at all.

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They weren’t sure if they could save the poor pup, but that didn’t stop them from trying. They wrapped her up and whisked her away to get the medical treatment she desperately needed. Within only a couple of months, she made an unbelievably incredible recovery.

She looks so happy at the end!

I still can’t believe how great Muriel is doing after everything that happened to her. If you want to help this organization save more lives, you can donate here.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/brain-damage-recovery/

This Poor Dog Had A Huge Gash And Brain Damage, But They Never Gave Up On Her

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