2015. október 2., péntek

Hope and (can’t) change! Obama: ‘Can’t change Washington from inside’


No, for reals. We aren’t joking. He totally said that, as reported by ABC’s junior high poet and Obama cheerleader Rick Klein. The sad part? Rick probably thought it was genius and poetic. He, of course, translates. It must just be that stupid rubes can’t figure out the nuance-y nuance of the Smartest Man Alive.

@rorycooper means you need to bring outside pressure to bear

— Rick Klein (@rickklein) September 20, 2012

You can just hear the “Squeeee,” can’t you? Someone’s diary is going to be busy tonight!

Sane and grown-up citizens, however? Not so impressed. Um. What about that whole Hopeandchange ™ thing? Isn’t change what Obama, you know, campaigned on and promised? He’s admitting he lied and failed? Is he dropping out? If you can’t make change from inside Washington, he must not want to be re-elected. Whew! See ya, genius!

The president can’t do anything, evidently. That’s weird; we thought President Bush was responsible for everything wrong in the entire world, in perpetuity. What happened to that? Obama can’t do anything, but golf and canoodle and hawk things while four Americans lay dead.

Change has come to America.”

Whoops! Oh, our aching sides.

@rickklein So…he"s saying he didn"t? Ok.

— Rory Cooper (@rorycooper) September 20, 2012

what a clown MT @rickklein Obama at Univision: "The most important lesson I"ve learned is you can"t change Washington from the inside."

— Conn Carroll (@conncarroll) September 20, 2012

!!!! RT @rickklein Obama at Univision forum: "The most important lesson I"ve learned is you can"t change Washington from the inside."

— David Freddoso (@freddoso) September 20, 2012

Um, WHAT? RT @rickklein: Obama at Univision forum: "The most important lesson I"ve learned is you can"t change Washington from the inside."

— Sally Canfield (@TheLifeofSally) September 20, 2012

Leave? RT @rickklein Obama at Univision forum: "The most important lesson I"ve learned is you can"t change Washington from the inside."

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) September 20, 2012

http://t.co/Ca4irefn hit hardest MT @rickklein Obama: "Most important lesson I"ve learned is you can"t change Washington from the inside."

— Kevin W. Glass (@KevinWGlass) September 20, 2012

@freddoso @rickklein So if he really cared about changing it, he wouldn"t be running for reelection, right?

— Get It Right (@DraftRyan2016) September 20, 2012

Statement: "You can"t change Washington from the inside." Intended Implication: "I"m not responsible for my job performance."

— iLoveScienceSexually (@AceofSpadesHQ) September 20, 2012

#Hope #Change #OnTheJobTraining #p2 RT @rickklein Obama at Univision forum: "…you can"t change Washington from the inside."

— RAYBURN AMERICA (@RayburnThompson) September 20, 2012


@freddoso @rickklein Was that lost in translation or his he dropping out of the race?

— Steve Gilfix (@stegil1) September 20, 2012

Yet he campaigned on fact that he would! RT @rickklein Obama at Univision forum: "I"ve learned you can"t change Washington from the inside."

— Jon Thompson (@JonThompsonDC) September 20, 2012

WTF? RT "@rickklein: Obama at Univision forum: "The most important lesson I"ve learned is you can"t change Washington from the inside.""

— Michael Grunwald (@MikeGrunwald) September 20, 2012

"Even though I campaigned on change, I lied because you can"t change Washington from the inside." #DreamsCrashingandBurning

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 20, 2012

Another self-beclowning comment.

Not much of a bumper sticker. RT @rickklein: Obama: "I did not make a promise that I would get everything done, 100%" #UnivisionForum

— Patricia Murphy (@1PatriciaMurphy) September 20, 2012

And these Twitter users sum it all up.

@rickklein he"s right, that"s why we"ll change Washington from the outside. It started in Nov 2010 and will continue with replacing Obama.

— Flora Duh (@FloraDuh1) September 20, 2012

Vote him out! RT @rickklein Obama at Univision: "The most important lesson I"ve learned is you can"t change Washington from the inside."

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) September 20, 2012

Yes! And November can’t come soon enough.

Update: The hilarious video.

Wait. Does @theplumlinegs know about this yet? http://t.co/kAihVSdw

— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) September 20, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/09/20/dropping-out-obama-most-important-lesson-learned-is-you-cant-change-washington-from-inside/

Hope and (can’t) change! Obama: ‘Can’t change Washington from inside’

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