2015. október 11., vasárnap

Mom jeans on fire: Obama suggests he was outspent in 2008


At a campaign event in Pittsburgh yesterday, President Obama suggested he was outspent by opponent John McCain in 2008. Seriously. He said that.

Obama utters flat-out lie about campaign spending, says he was outspent in 08 http://t.co/mQN1HtHu Facts say otherwise: http://t.co/lXE1T5s9

— Ian Essling (@ianessling) July 7, 2012

Via The Right Sphere:

I don’t know if he thinks everyone is dumb or if he’s just trying to get votes by making people to feel sorry for him, but he’s lying. He was not outspent in 2008. Not even close.

Idiot or liar? You decide –> Obama Bizarrely Claims He Was Outspent In 2008" http://t.co/Eciic2BV #Obama2012 @Obama2012

— Kevin Eder (@keder) July 7, 2012

“Idiot or liar”? Why choose? Embrace “and.”

“Outspent” seems to be a recurring theme in the Obama campaign.

DESPERATION "oBaMA sent letter out saying,I DON"T WANT TO BE THE FIRST SITTING PRESIDENT OUTSPENT by my opponent in my re-election campaign"

— Steel Backbone (@SteelBackbone) July 7, 2012

And that campaign stop in Pittsburgh wasn’t the only time this week Obama played fast and loose with the 2008 numbers. He also tried the “outspent” line in Ohio.

Obama, in Sandusky, begins to say that in 08 "we were outspent," tries to shift gears to "potentially," then shifts to "We weren"t favored"

— Jon Ward (@jonward11) July 5, 2012

Apparently he decided it was a good idea to go all in after that. Sorry, Pinocchio in Chief. You got caught out there:



Paging the lapdog media. Lapdog media to the reception area.

Where is the Fact Checking media on Obama"s lies on how he was outspent in previous campaigns? Are they not aware of the FEC archives?

— Paul W. Swansen (@paulswansen) July 7, 2012

Bet the state media wont report this. RT @DefeatObama12: Obama Bizarrely Claims He Was Outspent In 2008 http://t.co/HHwv4BsG

— p.j. Kansas (@pjkansas) July 7, 2012

Your move, lapdogs.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/07/07/mom-jeans-on-fire-obama-suggests-he-was-outspent-in-2008/

Mom jeans on fire: Obama suggests he was outspent in 2008

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