2015. október 2., péntek

Restore the Dream 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri [photos]

Restore the Dream 2014 is in Ferguson, Missouri. If you’re unfamiliar with Restore the Dream, here’s a video featuring Niger Innis, who co-founded the organization with Dr. Alveda King:

The purpose of Restore the Dream 2014:

This campaign will engage the African-American community nationwide with a simple question: “Are you better off today than you were before Hope and Change?”

Here are some photos and quotes from Restore the Dream 2014, which is in Ferguson, Missouri today:

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/25/why-wont-they-show-this-on-the-news-restore-the-dream-2014-in-ferguson-photos/

Restore the Dream 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri [photos]

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