2017. február 25., szombat

This Husky Loves Belly Rubs More Than Anything. If You Start, She Won"t Let You Stop!

Every dog owner will probably tell you the same thing — their pup loves belly rubs. But few enjoy them as much as this husky.

You see, Nora loves tummy scratches so much so that whenever anyone starts rubbing her belly, she doesn’t let them stop. How does she accomplish this, you ask?

Just watch…

“Did I SAY you could stop? Nope.”

googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBM_BTF’); );

Oh, Nora. You’re truly an innovator. No one could say no to that persuasive argument…or at least they wouldn’t want to.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/tummy-rub-husky/

This Husky Loves Belly Rubs More Than Anything. If You Start, She Won"t Let You Stop!

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