2017. február 26., vasárnap

13 Dogs That Would Seriously Rather Be Dead Than Get In The Tub

While humans think of bath time as a relaxing way to decompress, our canine companions aren’t as open to the idea.

The exact cause of this bath time anxiousness is unknown to me, but I’d guess that pups just don’t mind their smelliness as much as we do.

When most dogs hear the word “bath,” they do just about anything to avoid a close encounter with the watery depths. One major way dogs try to avoid bath time is by simply running away and hiding, but others take a different approach. While it’s rarely a success, these pooches would rather play dead than be anywhere near a bath tub.

1. “Oh you want me to take a bath? Over my dead body!”

2. “Give up, hooman! I can do this all day!”

3. This pooch’s “playing dead” game could use a bit of work.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/bath-tub-dogs/

13 Dogs That Would Seriously Rather Be Dead Than Get In The Tub

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