2017. május 24., szerda

Today Is National Good Samaritan Involvement Day, So Let"s Honor The Best Among Us

Today we’re presented with a special opportunity to pay it forward.

Every year on March 13, we get to extend our gratitude to everyday heroes on National Good Samaritan Involvement Day. Whether these do-gooders are police officers, animal lovers, or kids with a penchant for paying it forward, there’s one thing that they all have in common: the desire to change the lives of those around them.

Without empathy, there can be no understanding, and without understanding, there can be no compassion. Fortunately, people across the globe spend their days spreading the compassion that we all desperately need every now and then. That’s why today is so special. While they’re busy giving back, we should do our best to honor their work.

Here on ViralNova, there’s no shortage of articles chronicling these acts of kindness. Follow the blue links in each heading for more details!

Being a Good Samaritan is all about lending a helping hand to those in need. This is something that people who use their privilege to help the homeless understand better than anyone. When this dad’s world was turned upside, one man gave him a special gift.

This incredible man experiencing homelessness was known for spreading kindness, so the same guy who helped out the father in the previous video paid it forward yet again by helping him reconnect with his family.

He used his all-you-can-eat pass from Olive Garden to feed homeless people in his community.

When asked to choose between getting ice cream for themselves or giving their money to homeless people, these kids made the best choice.

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One person even posed as a homeless man to give back to everyone who handed him money.

Known locally as “The Sandwich Man,” this kind guy stocks his basement full of food and supplies to help people on the street each and every day.

And when police officers go above and beyond the call of duty, their kindness should be acknowledged. Check out what this cop did with a pair of shoes.

These off-duty officers even saved a life.

This Belarusian cop threw himself in front of a moving car to help a pedestrian!

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And we all know that little ones need looking after, so Good Samaritans who help children should always be thanked for what they do. This story about what Disney World employees did for a deaf girl is sure to warm your heart.

When one dad found out that his daughter was being bullied, he wrote a song to support all kids who suffer from bullying and harassment.

There are plenty of kids helping people out, too! This little girl grows vegetables and builds shelters for homeless people in her town.

When this incredible young lady wanted to help sick children, she started some unique fundraising projects that have helped her raise thousands of dollars. She also makes blankets that symbolize hugs so that no hospitalized child ever has to feel alone.

A tiny Good Samaritan by the name of Kaley Szarmack got bitten by a shark and went back into the ocean to help her friend.

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His little sister has to deal with a horrible health condition every day, so he and the rest of the family organized a charity run to help kids everywhere who endure similar hardships.

Millions of animals need our help, too, so the people who dedicate their lives to saving them deserve recognition. When this woman entered a shelter, she made a bold decision that saved many lives.

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Israel Shelter Project

We would like to take a moment to fill everyone in on an enormous project that we have taken on here at Dog Tales. The creation of our entire shelter was inspired by four incredible dogs that were rescued from the streets of Israel. In honour of this, our founders regularly travel to Israel to find dogs in need and bring them back to Canada for a second chance at a happy life. On our trips to Israel we visit local shelters and work with the staff and volunteers to make lists of 10-20 dogs at a time to bring to our rescue. On these trips we look for the difficult cases- dogs that are senior, dogs that have disabilities, and dogs that have been waiting for a home the longest. Making these lists is gut wrenching , however it is usually quite clear which dogs need our help the most.Earlier in the year we were taken to a shelter in Israel that we had never been to before. The conditions were shocking. To say that the shelter was overcrowded is an understatement, with more than 250 dogs crammed into a space with the capacity for 70. There were as many as 6 dogs in each cage, all fighting over the loaves of bread that they were being fed. Rats were everywhere, and the dogs, most of whom had been there for years, were terrified. For once, it was not obvious to us which dogs needed us the most. They all needed us. We realized that it would be impossible to make a list deciding which dogs would be rescued from this horrific life, and which would be left behind. We then made the decision to acquire the entire shelter, and take responsibility for all 250+ dogs. In the past two months, 90 have been relocated within Israel to more adequate shelters. 25 have already made the trip to Canada. 150 remain. We have assembled a team in Israel to clean up the shelter and make the dogs more comfortable until we have the space to bring them here. While in Israel veterinarians will be caring for the dogs to address any immediate health concerns. Staff will be working with the dogs every day to socialize them and teach them to trust again. The dogs will no longer be eating bread. To help these dogs, we need your help. Every dog that is adopted from our rescue creates space for another of these dogs to be brought to Canada. If you are not in a position to adopt, please consider sharing our page with your friends and family. The most important thing that we can do for these, and for all of our dogs, is to share their story and be their voice.In our most recent photos of our new dogs, a popular comment was that the dogs appear sad. We would like to share a short video with you that illustrates the conditions that these dogs have lived in for years, and their journey to Canada. In time, with patience and with love, we know that their expressions will change.

Posted by Dog Tales Rescue and Sanctuary on Friday, February 26, 2016

An organization called Wings of Rescue goes to absolutely astounding lengths to save dogs from kill shelters around the country. Their process is incredible.

And then there are selfless people who make the ultimate sacrifice. While at a market one day with his young daughter, this man in Beirut tackled a suicide bomber who was intent on murdering hundreds of innocent people. He thwarted the bomber’s plans and gave his own life in the process.

From small acts of kindness to heroic feats, this is what we should all aspire to do for our communities. Life gets hard for all of us, and it’s our responsibility to help others when they can’t help themselves.

For regular updates about the everyday heroes that make this world a better place, be sure to follow ViralNova on Facebook.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/good-samaritan-involvement-day/

Today Is National Good Samaritan Involvement Day, So Let"s Honor The Best Among Us

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