2017. május 27., szombat

50 People Of All Ages Were Asked The Same Question - These Were Their Answers

Growing up is a fact of life. As kids, we’re often in a hurry to get older only to suddenly find that life has passed us by. That’s when we start dreaming of going back…oh, to be young and carefree again!

In this video by the Jubilee Project, 50 people of all ages were asked the same question, “If you could be any age, what age would you be?” The participants gave a range of thoughtful answers, but it was one 67-year-old’s response that really stood out: “Embrace everything that you can about your life as it is today.”

Every part of life is a valuable experience. Each year brings a different set of perks, so learn to appreciate the here and now before it becomes yesterday.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/50-people-1-question/

50 People Of All Ages Were Asked The Same Question - These Were Their Answers

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