2017. május 24., szerda

Her Son Was In A Near-Fatal Car Accident, And What She"s Doing Today Is Truly Inspiring

In 2004, Kellie and her husband AJ welcomed their son Eli into the world. They could not have been happier about starting a family. Home videos show the new mom and dad doting over the sweet boy and expressing their excitement to watch him grow up.

But when Eli was just 14 weeks old, the happy family experienced a tragic car accident that took AJ’s life on impact. Eli was also severely injured, and Kellie feared that she would soon lose everything she loved most. She was told that even if he did survive, it was unlikely that her baby would ever be able to walk, talk, or show emotion. Doctors and medical staff worked tirelessly to help him, and after merely a week, Kellie was able to take her son home.

After 10 years, the grateful mom set out on a mission to find every person who helped save her son’s life and thank them. From the pilots who flew Eli to the hospital, to the doctors who performed life-saving surgeries, she was determined to share her gratitude.

As someone who has also lost a loved one in an automobile accident, seeing that 10-year-old’s happy, healthy, smiling face makes my heart burst. It also makes me so happy to know that the people Kellie reached out to were so thankful for her kind words. Each of those dedicated individuals deserves a lifetime of thanks for all their hard work.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/thank-you-project/

Her Son Was In A Near-Fatal Car Accident, And What She"s Doing Today Is Truly Inspiring

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