2017. szeptember 9., szombat

Disney Always Makes Kids Smile, But What They Did For Her Is Something Special

When it comes to bringing joy to kids everywhere, Disney reigns supreme.

From the movies to the parks to the incredible cruises, the folks over at Disney know a thing or two about bringing fantasy worlds to life. Millions of people flock to the company’s many attractions each year, and they come back again and again to fill their children’s minds with memories that’ll last a lifetime.

But the Mansfield family was a little bit unsure of how their Disney World experience would be. Because they’re deaf and rely on sign language to communicate, these parents worried that their little ones would miss out on all of that Disney magic, since their oldest daughter also has hearing impairments. Much to their surprise, however, something incredible kept happening as they made their way around the park.

It’s this level of customer care and compassion that has made Disney a global institution. Inclusivity is so important, and more major companies should take that to heart. The smiles on these adorable faces say it all.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/sign-language-disney/

Disney Always Makes Kids Smile, But What They Did For Her Is Something Special

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