2017. szeptember 8., péntek

This Awesome Kid Overcomes Hardships In A Way That"ll Make You Want To Dance

Like most of us, 17-year-old Gabe Adam just wants to dance when he hears his favorite songs, but it’s fair to say that some of us are more rhythmically inclined than others. This teen is one of those people, so it makes sense that he joined his school’s dance team.

His favorite thing to do is hit the floor with his teammates during halftime to entertain the audience, and he revels in nailing complicated choreography. But there’s something special about this dancer that sets him apart from the rest. Watch what happens when the music starts.

If that doesn’t make you feel inspired, then nothing will. This kid faces more hardships on normal days than most of us would be able to handle, but he makes it his mission to thrive under pressure. Judging by this video, that mission has been a successful one.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/gabe-dances/

This Awesome Kid Overcomes Hardships In A Way That"ll Make You Want To Dance

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