2017. szeptember 5., kedd

This Man Risked His Own Safety In A Flood To Save An Adorable Baby Deer"s Life

Last week, heavy rainfall in Western Pennsylvania caused many roadways to become flooded. Some people were rescued from the floods but for most, it was just an inconvenience. However, the wildlife in the woodlands surrounding the rivers that were swelling from the increase in water quickly became victims.

When one news team was in the field reporting on the severe weather, they saw a baby deer get swept away in a river. Realizing it needed help, the reporters and a passerby did something incredible…

The Pennsylvania State Trooper took the baby away to get checked out by a vet.

It will be released back into the wild once it makes a full recovery.

This warms my heart…I don’t even want to think about what might have happened had these kind people not been there to help.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/fawn-rescue/

This Man Risked His Own Safety In A Flood To Save An Adorable Baby Deer"s Life

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