2017. március 28., kedd

We"ve Seen Some Pretty Awesome Surprise Wedding Dances, But This One Is Too Good

Nowadays, it seems like everyone who ties the knot has some type of “surprise” dance routine. Mothers and sons, bridesmaids, brides and grooms, you name it. We thought we’d seen it all, but then this video came along.

Even some of my least coordinated friends have surprised guests with dance routines in the last few years. After all, if there’s ever a time to cut loose and throw caution to the wind, it’s your wedding! Whenever a bride and her father hit the dance floor, all eyes are on them. Why not surprise friends and family with a little something extra?

What starts out as a typical father-daughter dance quickly turns into something else entirely. From MC Hammer to NSYNC, this bride and her dad pulled out all the stops to bring the house down!

Read More: You Won’t Be Able To Stop Smiling When You See This Adorable Mother-Son Dance

Now THAT is a routine to remember! If all weddings were this much fun, I’d get my RSVPs in the mail a lot faster.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/epic-wedding-dance/

We"ve Seen Some Pretty Awesome Surprise Wedding Dances, But This One Is Too Good

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