2017. március 24., péntek

This Woman Is All Of Us After A Night Out On The Town

After a long, hard week at work, sometimes you just need to get out and enjoy yourself.

While I don’t get the opportunity to go out as much as I did in college, when I do find time, I try to make the most of it. This usually includes having about five more drinks than I probably should, and all bets are off when it comes to thinking before I speak.

Let’s get real for a second. No matter how much I’ve had to drink, the drunk munchies are a sure thing. And while a post-bar pizza was usually my food of choice at school, as an adult, I try to conserve my funds a bit more by making snacks at home. I’ve made my own drunk nachos before, but I don’t think I’m enough of a drunk culinary master to perfect the art of making “grilled cheeses.”

This funny lady knows exactly what’s up. Her so-called grilled cheeses are masterful.

Read More: When This 4-Year-Old Meets Her New Furry Friend, She Can’t Help But Freak Out

From the impromptu stripping to the cheesy disaster, this woman’s drunken adventures speak to all of us after we’ve bought ourselves one-way tickets on the hot mess express.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/drunk-grilled-cheese/

This Woman Is All Of Us After A Night Out On The Town

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