2017. március 29., szerda

Breastfeeding Mom Discovers Cancer After Her Baby Refuses To Nurse On One Side

Breastfeeding is an important way for mothers and infants to bond when both are able to do so.

When Shakti Dalal’s newborn baby girl refused to drink milk from her left breast over a period of time, Dalal became concerned. She had noticed a lump under her arm, but most advice indicated that it was simply an engorged milk duct.

As it turned out, Dalal’s baby had alerted her to something much more serious. She visited the Texas Oncology-Houston Memorial City Hospital, where she was diagnosed with breast cancer that spread to four of her lymph nodes.

If her baby hadn’t refused to nurse on that side, Dalal believes it would have been much longer before she found out about the cancerous tissue.

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Due to her daughter’s detection, Dalal was able to begin chemotherapy and beat cancer. Amazing! SHARE this story with others who will appreciate the special bond between a mother and her child.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/breastfeeding-cancer-discovery/

Breastfeeding Mom Discovers Cancer After Her Baby Refuses To Nurse On One Side

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