2017. március 30., csütörtök

This Children"s Choir Rendition Of A Famous Country Song Will Melt Your Heart

The adorable children of the PS22 Chorus don’t go to a school for the arts, but an ordinary public elementary school in Staten Island, New York. When you hear their angelic voices and their sweeping harmonies, you’ll easily understand that everyone is capable of creating art!

Recently, the talented fifth graders that make up the group took on a song that has touched hundreds of thousands: Tim McGraw’s “Humble And Kind.” Their performance sends a message we all need to hear.

These amazing kids prove that anyone can create something beautiful when they come together. The choir has even made music alongside some famous artists over the years, including Carrie Underwood! They’re so talented.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/humble-and-kind-choir/

This Children"s Choir Rendition Of A Famous Country Song Will Melt Your Heart

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