2016. szeptember 23., péntek

She Cut The Fruit Out Of An Orange...What She Baked In It Will Have You Drooling

Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you I’ll never turn down a good dessert…

But ask me to make one and you’ll probably be met with an awkward silence. I’m all about eating sweets, less into making them and cleaning the dishes after.

This fruity dessert cuts down on at least one step of the cleanup, though…the serving plates! You see, the sweet treat is made with oranges and served in said citrus. Like me, you’re not going to want to say no to this epic — and adorable — dessert.

Finally, oranges are good for something other than amusing my dog!

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/orange-souffle/

She Cut The Fruit Out Of An Orange...What She Baked In It Will Have You Drooling

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