2016. szeptember 26., hétfő

Funny Cat Tries To Stop Owner"s Snoring | CatNips


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Sharing a bed with any pet can be difficult when one of you is snores in their sleep! This cat, while glad to be around their owner, doesn’t like the noise they make when they’re sleeping and tries to fix it! Maybe their owner will one day get the hint and buy some sleeping strips!

Watch More Funny Cat Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBQO1ASE9J8&list=PLVv2r4n4-TW04hSIPMDOZfe7i-_7miJy4

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Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooHmCOLMzKI


Funny Cat Tries To Stop Owner"s Snoring | CatNips

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