2016. szeptember 27., kedd

Man With One Week Left To Live Marries His Best Friend In Hospital Wedding

Darren Sisk of Vancouver, Canada, was given one week to live.

Prior to that fateful visit to the doctor, he thought that he had a few months left — plenty of time to sort out a proper series of “lasts.”

But when he took a turn for the worse, he was left with just seven short days. That’s when he and his best friend knew what they needed to do. Faced with painfully little time left together, they made a bold move.

She put on a beautiful white dress and gave Sisk a wedding to remember.

We never know how much time we’ll have, so it’s important that we make the most of it. Even in one week, you can make your dreams come true.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/final-act/

Man With One Week Left To Live Marries His Best Friend In Hospital Wedding

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