2016. szeptember 27., kedd

Funny Cat Video - Cat uses toilet paper after peeing in the toilet


You find more funny photos and videos @Instagram https://www.instagram.com/viiruthecat and @ Viiru’s blog http://viiruthecat.blogspot.com/ and Twitter https://www.twitter.com/kissanelamaa and

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Kissanel%C3%A4m%C3%A4%C3%A4-174959105883842/

This cat is very tidy and clever. He knows how to use toilet paper after peeing in the toilet. He also washes his paws. Viiru knows what he is doing. Follow Viiru on twitter @kissanelamaa and Instagram @viiruthecat.

Here is the story behind the video http://viiruthecat.blogspot.com/2012/01/kissan-neuvot-vessapaperin.html

Thanks for all you viewers. I’m amazed of all this attention. I hope I can teach you something about being tidy on the toilet. Not to smell is the key.

A few answers to your comments.

This video was filmed in 2012 when I was a little boy. (I’m six years old now. *Pride eyes and a smug face.) Unfortunately I don’t use toilet paper anymore because my servants took it away. They were mumbling something about money and the bother to take the paper out of the toilet. But it’s their job so don’t complain I said. So nowadays I just tell them to come and flush when I’m done. I can’t do it myself because you have to pull this one. I could do it myself if I could only push.

And I wasn’t trained to do this. I’ve always been very curious about water and toilets. I always spy what people do there. It’s intresting. So when I noticed how tidy it is I also started to use it myself. First I used the toilet paper to cover the smell but not anymore. You don’t need a plumber when you have servants as smart as I have who know not to flush a toilet full of paper. English isn’t my first language so sorry for the mistakes. But maybe You can speak finnish?

Welcome to follow my amazing life on Twitter @kissanelamaa

Instagram @viiruthecat

My blog http://www.viiruthecat.blogspot.com

Thank you for watching my video. I hope you all learnt something. :o)



Funny Cat Video - Cat uses toilet paper after peeing in the toilet

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