2016. szeptember 28., szerda

When He Blew The Game, These Soccer Hooligans Reacted In A Surprisingly Kind Way

Soccer fans are known for being some of the most fanatical people in the world. They cause monumental riots and fights…and that’s if they win. Their fandom is ravenous, unforgiving…some might even describe it as over-the-top.

But when this 18-year-old player blew the game for his team, the fans didn’t jeer him, they didn’t heckle him, and they didn’t threaten him. Instead, they did something entirely awesome:

These fans know what’s really important. They know that the players are simply human and they, too, make mistakes. Kudos to these sympathetic supporters! Hopefully Timo Baumgartl, the young player who made a bad pass, will bring them a championship in the future.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/soccer/

When He Blew The Game, These Soccer Hooligans Reacted In A Surprisingly Kind Way

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