2015. március 30., hétfő

1 polar bear, 2 Captain Planets arrested at #FloodWallStreet [pics]



Cops turned on headlights on their police vans, which are behind the protesters. pic.twitter.com/8wSiG0X9FY

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

The NYPD bus is backing up toward the protesters pic.twitter.com/XnlueYzdaX

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

Crowd now chanting "The whole world is watching."

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

1968 called. It wants its protest chant back.

Too bad for the protesters though. The whole world has better things to do than watch them fulfill their hippie fantasies.

First man arrested moved on to bus.

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

People are being arrested and moved onto bus now. Seen three arrests so far. pic.twitter.com/uywQhCHMlT

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

Some in crowd throwing things at cops as those arrested are moved onto the bus. pic.twitter.com/2f3gZiH7zr

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

Protesters at #FloodWallStreet chanting "Hands Up Don"t Shoot" as police make arrests. All seems peaceful so far.

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

Another plagiarized chant? These protesters are just phoning it in.

Another two people being arrested, I"ve lost count. pic.twitter.com/R2ySKpN77z

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

I could keep tweeting pics of the arrests, but it"s basically al the same. Slow, seemingly calm, orderly.

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

Polar bear getting arrested at #FloodWallStreet pic.twitter.com/hVts01YrkL

— Adam Janos (@AdamTJanos) September 22, 2014

Seen here, the #FloodWallStreet Polar Bear is arrested by #NYPD.

— AJ+ (@ajplus) September 22, 2014

Especially loud boos as man in polar bear costume brought away by police. We interviewed him earlier. pic.twitter.com/FMcypKtjIG

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

“Nobody arrests a polar bear in my town!”

The mood outside the barricades is raucous, angry, chaotic. Inside, those about to be arrested are calm, somber, focused.

— Nick Pinto (@macfathom) September 22, 2014

The cops aren"t the only ones being calm. Haven"t seen any protester shouting or resisting arrest.

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

The two Captain Planets have been arrested pic.twitter.com/kCNL0XiyQL

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) September 22, 2014

Prison won’t be kind to Captain Planet.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/09/22/floodwallstreet-arrests-include-1-polar-bear-and-2-captain-planets-picsvideo/

1 polar bear, 2 Captain Planets arrested at #FloodWallStreet [pics]

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