2015. március 30., hétfő

‘HAHAHA!’ Exclusive: NSFW-ish photo of NYT editors enticing Putin to pen op-ed


Welp, Twitter has found the answer with photographic evidence. You see, a Twitter user has the “exclusive photo” of New York Times editors approaching Putin to pen his shameful op-ed:



Gasping for breath!


Yep, that about sums it all up.


Skulduggery! Oh no, he wouldn’t: Prediction of Putin’s next move sparks panic

Ready with the popcorn? Time to transmit Vladimir #PutinsFavoriteFlicks

Checkmate: Garry Kasparov rips apart ‘pathetic’ NYT for providing Putin a platform for ‘condescending propaganda’

Putin’s NYT op-ed: ‘It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptiona​l’

Obama getting pantsed by Putin? Serious You Guys, #HeMeantToDoThat

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/09/12/hahaha-exclusive-nsfw-ish-photo-of-nyt-editors-enticing-putin-to-pen-op-ed/

‘HAHAHA!’ Exclusive: NSFW-ish photo of NYT editors enticing Putin to pen op-ed

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