2015. március 31., kedd

Nicki Minaj endorses Mitt Romney via mixtape?


Note the question mark in the headline, as we’re new to dealing with Republican “endorsements” that arrive via mixtape. The verse that has listeners so excited, delivered by rapper Nicki Minaj, goes, “I’m a Republican voting for Mitt Romney/You lazy bitches is fucking up the economy.”

Minaj appears as a guest on rapper Lil Wayne’s latest mixtape, which is called “Dedication 4″ and was released on the Internet today.

The verse, from the track “Mercy,” is sure to make a splash as the mixtape makes the rounds, but it might not be a good idea to take the line as a straight-up endorsement rather than as the adoption of a persona — a bit like saying Ellen Barkin is a conservative because she plays one on TV. Conservatives can hope, though. A Nicki Minaj endorsement is a good thing, right?

And you guys thought I was just drunk when I tweeted a few wks ago that I liked Nicki Minaj. OK…I was…but still…

— SFK (@stephenkruiser) September 3, 2012

I don"t know whether to laugh, cheer, or cry over Nicki Minaj "s rap endorsing Romney.

— AG (@AG_Conservative) September 3, 2012

I trust her political analysis… RT @AG_Conservative: Nicki Minaj Endorses Mitt Romney: http://t.co/tXWye9HD #LOL #LanguageWarning

— Ryan (@alwaysonoffense) September 3, 2012



Let’s check to see what the fans have to say.

Nicki minaj , I thought you"d NEVER hurt my heart 😞 BUT your voting for Romney ?!?!?!!!

I"m just SO Hurt 😥😰😨😢😭😞😔

— Alex (@Alexiaa_Minaj) September 3, 2012


Nicki Minaj just said on Mercy that she"s voting for Mitt Romney…I officially hate her. #Dedication4

— ✌Key (@keyindabox) September 3, 2012

No longer supporting @nickiminaj She rather her student fans lose healthcare & have student loan cuts under Romney than take a 3% tax crease

— Queen Si™ (@Gorgeous_Si) September 3, 2012

Romney not worried bout the little people, or college students such as myself. I thought you were better than that @NICKIMINAJ .

— Ieisha (@Oct9th2014) September 3, 2012


AND I WILL KILL YOUR WHOLE BLOODLINE. RT @2012IsNotUrYear: If you really vote for Mitt Romney Ima punch you in the throat @NickiMinaj

— Donnie (@VvsDonnie) September 3, 2012

Nicki Minaj voting for Mit Romney, stupid hoe.

— #Pixburgh Courtesy (@ItsCourtesy) September 3, 2012

Nicki Minaj voting for Mitt Romney is like Chickens voting for Colonel Saunders

— Captain Pajamas (@CaptainPajamas) September 3, 2012

Nicki Minaj only voting for Romney cuz she dont wanna pay higher taxes which I feel is dumb cuz she makes MILLIONS! GREED is REAL ppl ….

— Brittney Starr (@_SuchABombshell) September 4, 2012




Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/09/03/nicki-minaj-endorses-mitt-romney-via-lil-wayne-mixtape/

Nicki Minaj endorses Mitt Romney via mixtape?

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