2015. március 30., hétfő

Exclusive! Screencap from Obama’s ‘symbolic’ O-care enrollment [Photoshop]


As Twitchy reported, President Obama tapped his flunkies to symbolically “enroll” in Obamacare on his behalf. Because he’s far too busy and important with his Hawaiian vacay to pretend do it himself.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in the Obama Era, it’s that you can’t take the White House’s word at face value. Which is why we’re so fortunate that one tweeter was able to find proof that Obama really did do what he wants us to think he did:


Welp, can’t argue with the evidence! We’d like to pretend-apologize for our initial skepticism.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/12/23/exclusive-screencap-from-president-obamas-symbolic-o-care-enrollment-photoshop/

Exclusive! Screencap from Obama’s ‘symbolic’ O-care enrollment [Photoshop]

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