2015. március 30., hétfő

Californians not impressed by 3.8-magnitude quake in Los Angeles


A 3.8 magnitude earthquake shook the greater Los Angeles area just after 3 a.m. PDT.

Small earthquake of 3.8 magnitude rattles Los Angeles area – USGS http://t.co/2chEI81W

— Breaking News (@BreakingNews) July 25, 2012

Jaded Angelenos yawned and went back to bed.

For out of towners – A 3.8 Earthquake is somewhere between yawn and so what. #fb

— Cristina Squieri (@CSquieri414) July 25, 2012

3.8 earthquake is news now? #californiaproblems

— California Problems (@californiaprobs) July 25, 2012

Apparently there was an earthquake in Los Angeles tonight. I was convinced the man in the apartment above me was doing violent jumping jacks

— Lucas Cruikshank (@LucasCruikshank) July 25, 2012

I don"t know what"s worse… To be jolted awake by a 3.8 #Earthquake or to look up and realize "Glitter" is playing on tv?

— Tori Spelling (@Tori_Spelling) July 25, 2012

I thought that might’ve been an earthquake, but wasn’t sure if the neighbors just slammed the door extra hard. #ThreePointWhat

— FeeVert (@FeeVert) July 25, 2012

What #earthquake ? I slept through it. #immune

— Anthony L. Marin (@AnthonyLMarin) July 25, 2012

Everybody is going to wake up like "there was an earthquake?" "I didn"t feel shit!"… "I was in a deep sleep"

— 2nd of October!! :) (@ChewchieMama) July 25, 2012

Soooo…. apparently, an earthquake just happened here in LA. I didn"t feel it. Neither did my dog. She"s been sleeping all night. Bed time!

— Miguel Ali (@MiguelAliDaddy) July 25, 2012

*yawn* wake me up when at least a 5 magnitude hits. Pussy ass earthquake. Later

— Buster Hymen (@OvATyME) July 25, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/07/25/californians-not-impressed-by-3-8-magnitude-quake-in-los-angeles/

Californians not impressed by 3.8-magnitude quake in Los Angeles

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