2015. szeptember 28., hétfő

Adult fan steals Donald Driver’s shoe from child at charity event; Packers WR responds


Here is just another sad example of the human race at its absolute worst. During Donald Driver’s charity softball game, the Green Bay Packers wide receiver and Dancing with the Stars champion tossed his cleat to a young fan, but some adult woman quickly snatched it away.

After hearing the story of what happened to the boy, Driver asked the world for more information on the kid so he could make things right.

Does anyone know who this boy is? I want to get him the cleats he deserves! http://t.co/Jk2aAjAL

— Donald Driver (@Donald_Driver80) June 4, 2012

We’ll all be happy to hear that Driver did in-fact connect with the boy and will be sending him a cleat along with a ton of additional memorabilia soon.

Looking forward to connecting with Stephen and his family to get him a new cleat and some other gear! Thanks for all your help Packer Nation

— Donald Driver (@Donald_Driver80) June 4, 2012

While that’s awesome to hear, nobody is going to forget the woman who stole the cleat in the first place. As you can expect, people are furious at the woman.

I wanna slap the bitch who stole Donald Driver"s cleat from that kid, she"s definitely not a good #Packers fan.

— Travis G (@TravisG1988) June 4, 2012


Robyn Ereth, the lady who stole Donald Driver"s cleat from the little kid, just replaced Bin Laden as the most hated person in the US.

— Adam M (@Morty_Mcfly_) June 4, 2012

Are people standing outside Robyn Ereth"s house with torches and pitchforks yet? #CleatThief #shameonyou

— Jen (@JenDiener) June 4, 2012

Robyn Ereth. This name needs to start trending. She"s the biotch who stole that cleat from the little kid at Donald Driver"s softball game

— Kathy Kramer (@msannomalley) June 4, 2012


Robyn Ereth needs to be horse whipped.

— Mike Beavers (@Mike_Beavers) June 4, 2012

Seeing as the name of the adult female has leaked onto the internet, we’re assuming she won’t want to be seen in public again anytime soon.

Holy, lots of mean comments posted from people who sharing the cleat story about Robyn Ereth. Wow…

— Jess (@JessIsSassy88) June 4, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/06/04/adult-fan-steals-donald-drivers-shoe-from-child-at-charity-event-packers-wr-responds/

Adult fan steals Donald Driver’s shoe from child at charity event; Packers WR responds

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