2015. szeptember 11., péntek

Live from the Bush Presidential Center! It’s … The Bill Clinton Show [video]


Why do birds suddenly appear every time Bill is near?

Speaking this morning at the George W. Bush Presidential dedication ceremony, former president and eternal showman Bill Clinton couldn’t resist taking the opportunity to showcase his comedic skills:

Clinton sounding more like he’s ROASTING W Bush, not praising him

— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) April 25, 2013

oh my god, where is bill clinton going on this

— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) April 25, 2013

“I probably shouldn’t say this but I’m going to anyway…”-Bill Clinton

— Bill Murphy (@billmurphy) April 25, 2013

That always bodes well, right?

Bill Clinton just joked about George W. Bush painting a nude portrait of him. Really! He just did that.

— Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) April 25, 2013

This just got really awkward

— Ethan Klapper (@ethanklapper) April 25, 2013

Pffft. Like awkwardness would ever stand in Clinton’s way.

Clinton: Your mother showed me some of your landscapes and animal paintings and I thought they were great, really great.

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) April 25, 2013

Bill Clinton says Barbara Bush showed him some of W’s paintings. Thought they were “great.” Brings up the hacked emails!

— Amanda Terkel (@aterkel) April 25, 2013

Well, the media had a field day when Bush’s emails were hacked. Why wouldn’t Bill?

Clinton suggests he is not interested in Bush painting a nude portrait of him.

— Neil King (@NKingofDC) April 25, 2013

Clinton jokes he thought about asking W to paint a portrait of him, until he saw the hacked self-portraits

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) April 25, 2013

just wow RT @davidchalian: Clinton 42 wanted Bush 43 to paint his portrait until he saw the bathtub and shower self portraits.

— Jon Ward (@jonward11) April 25, 2013

(Relevant portion begins at around the 4:45 mark.)

At least Bush was a good sport about the whole thing. Clinton could take a few lessons in humility from his successor.

NO ONE, repeat NO ONE, loves the political spotlight more than Bill Clinton.

— The Fix (@TheFix) April 25, 2013

“@bccohan: He just can’t help himself, can he? #Clinton” I thought the same thing.

— Heather (@hmfearny) April 25, 2013

Bill Clinton is the biggest showman to be president since _________.

— The Fix (@TheFix) April 25, 2013

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/04/25/live-from-the-george-w-bush-presidential-center-its-the-bill-clinton-show-video/

Live from the Bush Presidential Center! It’s … The Bill Clinton Show [video]

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