2015. szeptember 27., vasárnap



If Barack Obama decides to abandon the “I killed bin Laden and Mitt Romney totally wouldn’t have” angle …

… Twitter has some suggestions for future campaign ads.

Why won"t Romney stop wagging my lunch? #ScrappedObamaAds #ObamaEatsDogs

— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) May 1, 2012

#ScrappedObamaAds How I brought civility to Washington politics.

— Keith Burgin (@KeithBurgin) May 1, 2012

Yes We Cannabis #ScrappedObamaAds

— Bob Owens (@bob_owens) May 1, 2012

"How I learned to reject Super PACs and embrace public financing of campaigns like I promised." #ScrappedObamaAds

— Kevin Eder (@keder) May 1, 2012

"Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?" #ScrappedObamaAds

— Justin McCarthy (@jmac82) May 1, 2012

"Adding $4T to the debt is unpatriotic." #ScrappedObamaAds

— ن Miké Ramoné ن (@ThePantau) May 1, 2012

How I Lowered Gas Prices #ScrappedObamaAds

— Sarah Knoploh (@SarahKnops) May 1, 2012

"How I Balanced the Budget in the Wake of Bush"s Overspending" #scrappedobamaads

— C. Whalen Stephens (@CorieWhalen) May 1, 2012

I"m half white too, you know. #ScrappedObamaAds

— Charly J. (@chuck_dizzle) May 1, 2012

How I ran a transparent administration! #scrappedobamaads

— Cynthia Heath (@CynthiaCHeath) May 1, 2012

How I made green algae a viable energy source. #ScrappedObamaAds

— PATRIOT FOREVER (@DaleHolt8) May 1, 2012

Hostage-Takers, Flat-Earthers, and Enemies: How President Obama Raised the Level of Discourse in Washington #ScrappedObamaAds

— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) May 1, 2012


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/05/01/scrappedobamaads/


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