2015. szeptember 27., vasárnap

#TUPSH: Today’s ugliest Twitter hashtag game


#thingsuglypeopleshouldnthave their faces!! lmaoooooooo

— Salina Marie (@LoveForS_) March 23, 2012

#thingsuglypeopleshouldnthave mirrors

— Ana Farhana (@FarrahMohd) March 23, 2012

"@FlyAndFocused: #ThingsUglyPeopleShouldntHave "A Attitude" . . .Yaw already ugly, Dont make it harder for yaself lol"

— Wayne (@ImWayneByTheWay) March 23, 2012

#thingsuglypeopleshouldnthave: Pretty faces. They can mislead & decieve the rest of society.

— Kayla (@DryKMartini) March 23, 2012

#thingsuglypeopleshouldnthave genitals

— lewis horwell (@horwell_91) March 23, 2012

#ThingsUglyPeopleShouldntHave haters. Just cos their not good looking doesn"t mean you should Bully them…

— – I"m Sarcastic! 😐 (@RealRomanRose) March 23, 2012

Yes, we denounce it.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/03/23/todays-ugliest-twitter-hashtag-game-thingsuglypeopleshouldnthave/

#TUPSH: Today’s ugliest Twitter hashtag game

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