2015. szeptember 13., vasárnap

Barack Obama speaks on energy policy in Okla.


President Obama is in Cushing, Oklahoma, this morning, to take credit for the Keystone XL pipeline. You can watch the campaign – er, energy speech here. It was supposed to begin at 10:55 EST. Twitchy’ll be here when it starts. Eventually.

House Speaker John Boehner doesn’t seem all that impressed.

RT @Varneyco: Pres. Obama is going to take credit for a part of the Keystone Pipeline that doesn"t need his approval: http://t.co/9HHV2w6O

— Speaker John Boehner (@SpeakerBoehner) March 22, 2012

.@CNN says President Obama’s visit to Cushing, OK “is more theater than substance” http://t.co/Iwv6tSPx #kxl #obamagap

— Speaker John Boehner (@SpeakerBoehner) March 22, 2012


BREAKING: He’s late.


The cool thing is that a permit isn’t even required for construction of this portion of the pipeline to get underway. You don’t say!

Pres Obama"s trip to Cushing, OK today is a campaign stop. It won"t speed up #KeystoneXL & he knows it. http://t.co/1ivZtmy2

— Senator Roy Blunt (@RoyBlunt) March 22, 2012

Hold up, so the part of the #Keystone pipeline POTUS is in support of doesn"t need White House approval. Why is he even talking about it?

— Nic Lott (@niclott) March 22, 2012

Good question.


BREAKING, part deux: He’s almost half an hour late, but he’s here.


Here’s what’s happening at the speech:

At pipeline yard in Cushing, Ok, Pres Obama says producing more oil and gas here at home is critical part of all-of-the-above strategy.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) March 22, 2012

Pres Obama says there"s "a bottleneck" for oil in Oklahoma because of inadequate pipeline capacity.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) March 22, 2012

Pres Obama announces his Admin will cut through red tape & bureaucratic hurdles to ease building Keystone pipeline from OK to Gulf Coast.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) March 22, 2012

As for the Keystone Pipeline from Canada to Oklahoma, Pres Obama says it being student to protect health and safety of American people.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) March 22, 2012

"Anyone who says that we’re somehow suppressing domestic oil production isn’t paying attention," says the pres.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) March 22, 2012

Pres Obama emphatic in saying that producing more oil at home isn’t enough to bring gas prices down overnight.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) March 22, 2012

Pres Obama says he wants US pursuing all sources of energy, oil & gas but also wind, solar, biofuels.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) March 22, 2012

"Since I took office, our dependence on foreign oil has gone down every single year, says the president.".

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) March 22, 2012

And here’s what people are saying about it:

As Pres. Obama speaks, reminder: he is touting his approval for a part of the pipeline he didn"t have to approve: http://t.co/ZHSlEIDd

— Whitney Pitcher (@whitneypitcher) March 22, 2012

Obama is finally pushing Keystone. Can anyone say "ELECTION YEAR"?

— Evan F (@emf4life) March 22, 2012

Obama taking credit for private exploration. (What"s this "we" nonsense?)

— Michael Bates (@BatesLine) March 22, 2012

How can President Obama "expedite" something he blocked & personally lobbied Congress to oppose?

— Rory Cooper (@rorycooper) March 22, 2012

Lots of defensiveness in POTUS Oklahoma energy remarks. Much "the fact is" "anyone who suggests" X pushback.

— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) March 22, 2012

A pipeline running overground doesn"t pose a threat to the deep-underground Ogallala aquifer, for pete"s sake.

— Michael Bates (@BatesLine) March 22, 2012

RT @davidhauptmann: Obama now claiming the delay is about proper review. Keystone XL has been under review for 3 years.

— Richard Ward (@rwardIII) March 22, 2012

Obama lying AGAIN about our use & availability of U.S. oil production. #SerialLiar #tcot #hhrs #sgp

— Repeal Obamacare (@GreatHairGuy) March 22, 2012

Obama claiming #Keystone is a priority, when a couple weeks ago he personally lobbied against it: http://t.co/FxXcn7FQ

— RNC (@GOP) March 22, 2012

We live in a world where the media gives the president a free pass as he takes credit for the Keystone XL. This is so David After Dentist.

— Lyndsey Fifield (@lyndseyfifield) March 22, 2012


Someone in the crowd is shouting, "President Obama, you bring sunshine to Oklahoma!" #gagme

— Michael Bates (@BatesLine) March 22, 2012

This is a closed event with handpicked Obama supporters in the audience, made to look like a public speech.

— Michael Bates (@BatesLine) March 22, 2012


So, to sum up, President Obama makes Twitchy – and America – feel like Otto.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/03/22/barack-obama-speaks-on-energy-policy-in-okla/

Barack Obama speaks on energy policy in Okla.

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