2015. szeptember 21., hétfő

Latest O’Keefe Voter ID sting embarrasses Media Matters


After hinting at it a few days ago, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released its latest sting video today. Incredibly, they were able to get ballots for George Soros-backed Media Matters’ head David Brock in Washington, D.C., without any ID — but, curiously, weren’t able to get into the organization’s office without ID.

Weird how that works.

Lots of tweeps shared their opinions of the latest sting. Here are the best:



Keep up the lies liberals. We need voter ID laws now. Defiant: O’Keefe Team Offered More Ballots http://t.co/YmLMRIri

— Thomas J Edwards (@Conservative4MI) April 16, 2012

Voter ID is a necessity: O’Keefe Team Offered More Ballots http://t.co/Y65zIRDQ

— 1OfThe53Percent (@1OfThe53Percent) April 17, 2012

Defiant: O’Keefe Team Offered More Ballots http://t.co/2cyUYfMq – O"Keefe may be the conservative answer to Alinsky

— Miss Jen ن (@texasmcmanus) April 16, 2012

#tcot You need an ID to get on a plane, a train, in a Govt Bld, so why not to vote? O’Keefe Team Offered More Ballots http://t.co/t0GpK7EG

— RickyRay (@RickyRayinGA) April 17, 2012

LMKAO! But ID"s r so racist doncha know? #tbrs http://t.co/NmQfgXf0

— James & Kathy Acerra (@jamkatar) April 17, 2012

Project Veritas again on voter integrity this time: Bill Maher, Ben Jealous (NAACP), David Brock (Media Matters) #orcot http://t.co/ILAfEE59

— R K Ross (@RKRoss1) April 17, 2012

This just kicks butt. http://t.co/FXMoWg3w #goJamesgo #projectveritas

— Marybeth Hicks (@MarybethHicks) April 16, 2012


Oops. They did it again! Great job, O"Keefe! http://t.co/JphOwCuU

— Merle (@MerlePearl) April 16, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/04/16/latest-okeefe-voter-id-sting-embarrasses-media-matters/

Latest O’Keefe Voter ID sting embarrasses Media Matters

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