2015. szeptember 9., szerda

Delusional Obama says ‘economy is poised to take off"; Mockery does take off


Oh, dear. This is beyond delusional and out of touch. Reminiscent of his absurd “doing just fine” and “headwinds!” comments, President Obama today said that the economy is totally “poised to take off,” during an interview with Bloomberg White House correspondent Julianna Goldman.

Obama tells Julianna Goldman US economy”poised to take off” after fiscal cliff deal,but no deal “without taxes on the rich” @bloombergtv

— Sara Eisen (@saraeisenFX) December 4, 2012

Also, metaphors are hard.

Obama, mixing metaphors: “America is poised to take off, and the question is let’s make sure we don’t have a self-inflicted wound”

— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) December 4, 2012

What actually is poised to take off? Hilarious mockery. It was swift and sure, natch.

Light at the end of the tunnel! RT @jimpethokoukis “@zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) December 4, 2012

Any day now! #hehassaidforfouryearsnow RT @zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— Cindy Cooper (@CindyCoops) December 4, 2012

like the space shuttle Challenger. RT @zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— DRC (@QueenGorgo_79) December 4, 2012

Laughable. RT @jimpethokoukis: “@zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— Melissa Clouthier (@MelissaTweets) December 4, 2012

Recovery Summer 2013? RT @melissatweets: Laughable. RT @jimpethokoukis: “@zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— Bill Murphy (@billmurphy) December 4, 2012

Didn’t he say that back in 2009 when the recession ended? RT @jimpethokoukis: “@zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— Rschrim (@Rschrim) December 4, 2012

On a sled downhill? RT @jimpethokoukis: “@zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— Michele Frost (@michelelfrost) December 4, 2012

Can he explain how economy can take off with a tax hike now but couldnt in 2010? MT @zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— Brad Dayspring (@BDayspring) December 4, 2012

On a sled downhill? RT @jimpethokoukis: “@zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— Michele Frost (@michelelfrost) December 4, 2012

He must be resigning then RT @jimpethokoukis: “@zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— Joshua Horner, MBA (@WarEagleMBA) December 4, 2012

Interesting..What was it doing for the past four years then? rt@zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— S.M (@redsteeze) December 4, 2012

And, an out?

He didn’t say which direction. RT @melissatweets: Laughable. RT @jimpethokoukis: “@zekejmiller: Obama says economy is “poised to takeoff”

— Natasha (@mooseandskwerl) December 4, 2012

Heh. Keep it coming, Twitter. Mockery is the best medicine! So, there’s that.


Delusional Obama: Economy is ‘Poised to Take Off’ jammiewf.com/?p=21243

— JWF (@JammieWF) December 4, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/12/04/doing-just-fine-obama-says-economy-is-poised-to-take-off-mockery-does-take-off/

Delusional Obama says ‘economy is poised to take off"; Mockery does take off

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