2015. szeptember 10., csütörtök

Buckner ball sells for $418K at auction


Yes, really.

The bidder must be one serious (and rich) Mets fan.

So someone buys the Bill Buckner ball for $418,250 in auction. I can think of a lot more meaningful ways of spending $418K.

— Scott Ferrell (@ScottFerrell) May 4, 2012


The baseball that rolled through Bill Buckner"s legs in the 1986 World Series sold for $418,250. That"s one expensive ass error

— Art Flores (@stud928) May 4, 2012


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/05/04/buckner-ball-sells-for-418k-at-auction/

Buckner ball sells for $418K at auction

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