2015. május 27., szerda

Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller resigns over IRS scandal


Winner, winner, chicken dinner! President Obama did indeed announce that acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller would be spending more time with his family, at the request of Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.

Steven Miller, we barely knew ye. Actually, never even heard your voice in this scandal. #IRS

— Rick Klein (@rickklein) May 15, 2013

And … that’s it. The president’s appearance was essentially the live version of his brief statement issued last night, though he did add that he’s angry. This wasn’t the angry-angry Obama we saw in the Rose Garden following the Senate’s gun control vote, though.

Obama is “angry” about the IRS scandal? #lolwut

— Leah (@gopfirecracker) May 15, 2013

Remember angry Obama after gun control failed? This was so not even in that same league. Like, not even the same sport.

— Tabitha Hale (@TabithaHale) May 15, 2013

WTH?!?!? That’s it?!?

— Jerome Hudson(@JeromeEHudson) May 15, 2013

That was….what we’ve already heard from Obama minus the IRS resignation.

— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) May 15, 2013

Ok. Well, I guess that puts an end to that scandal.

— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) May 15, 2013

Brevity is the soul of cover-up.

— Dennis Miller Show (@DennisDMZ) May 15, 2013

Reporters were welcomed to ask questions to the cloud of dust left as the president quickly disappeared from the stage.

Pres. Obama says he’ll take questions at news conference tomorrow

— Steve Brusk (@stevebruskCNN) May 15, 2013

And that’s a wrap. @barackobama says he’ll take questions at Thurs news conference.

— David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) May 15, 2013

The #IRS will be “held responsible,” but no details as to how. Questions will be taken tomorrow.

— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) May 15, 2013

We hope the press remembers to ask questions tomorrow. We’ll save some here for safe-keeping.

If Obama’s going to hold all parties accountable, why hasn’t Lois Lerner resigned as well?

— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) May 15, 2013

Why have they fired the guy who wasn’t in charge? Douglas Shulman was IRS Commissioner until November 11th, 2012.

— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) May 15, 2013

How about we start by firing the employees that actually targeted the groups and their direct supervisors? #IRS

— AG (@AG_Conservative) May 15, 2013

Wasn’t #IRS Miller set to testify before Congress? Can they still get him there? cc: @darrellissa

— Melissia For Real (@ProudoftheUSA) May 15, 2013

So Steve Miller is out, but what about the rest of the band? What about Lerner? Any plans to have Geithner testify?

— Whitney Pitcher (@whitneypitcher) May 15, 2013

Steven Miller, who just resigned as acting #IRS commissioner, slated to testify before House cmmtee on Friday. Who replaces him?

— Andy Kroll (@AndrewKroll) May 15, 2013

So essentially the President fired the GOP appointed IRS commissioner, now gets to nominate own man, and acts like this is a big deal?

— Chris Ar (@LastBrainLeft) May 15, 2013

OOOoooooh one acting commissioner resigns. No apologies. Promise to reform laws that were ALREADY REFORMED. A do-nothing, bare min response.

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 15, 2013

2 scandals over, 1 to go? done by Friday?

— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) May 15, 2013

* * *

Update: Here’s video of the announcement.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/05/15/under-the-bus-acting-irs-commissioner-steven-miller-resigns-over-irs-scandal/

Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller resigns over IRS scandal

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