2015. május 31., vasárnap

Watch Jared Leto lead thousands in chant of ‘Glory to Ukraine’ in Kiev


Actor/musician Jared Leto was one of the few celebrities during the Oscars who gave a few words of support to Ukrainians and Venezuelans striving for their freedom. Leto then took the next step and actually performed with his band, 30 Seconds to Mars, in Kiev on Wednesday to a large audience, where he continued to voice his support for the uprising:



‘Done more than Obama’: #Oscars viewers applaud Jared Leto’s shout-out to Venezuela & Ukraine [Vine]

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Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/03/13/watch-jared-leto-lead-thousands-in-chant-of-glory-to-ukraine-while-performing-with-band-in-kiev-videos/

Watch Jared Leto lead thousands in chant of ‘Glory to Ukraine’ in Kiev

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