2015. május 31., vasárnap

MSNBC’s Martin Bashir apologizes for sick comments about Sarah Palin [video]


Last week, after Sarah Palin made an analogy between the national debt and enslavement, MSNBC’s Martin Bashir suggested Palin be subjected to a disgusting punishment for making the comparison.

Yesterday MSNBC actually again promoted the segment, but today, Bashir has apologized.


Bashir’s apology for the disgusting comments following Palin’s slavery analogy came after it was discovered that he too once used a slavery analogy.

Here is video followed by a transcript:

Bashir: Last Friday on this broadcast, I made some comments which were deeply offensive, and directed at Governor Sarah Palin. I wanted to take this opportunity to say sorry to Mrs. Palin, and also to offer an unreserved apology to her friends and family, her supporters, our viewers, and anyone who may have heard what I said. My words were wholly unacceptable. They were neither accurate nor fair. They were unworthy of anyone who would claim to have an interest in politics, and they have brought shame upon my friends and colleagues at this network, none of whom were responsible for the things that I said. And at a place where we try every day to elevate political discourse, and to focus on issues that matter to all of us.


We’ll wait and see how Bashir’s apology goes over with much of MSNBC’s base audience.


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/11/18/msnbcs-martin-bashir-apologizes-for-sick-comments-about-sarah-palin-video/

MSNBC’s Martin Bashir apologizes for sick comments about Sarah Palin [video]

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