2015. május 28., csütörtök

Obama ad ‘wonders’ if Romney even paid taxes; conservatives push back


The most positive campaign evah is out with a new ad that “wonders” if Mitt Romney “paid any taxes at all.”

From the voice-over:

Tax havens. Offshore accounts. Carried interest. Mitt Romney has used every trick in the book. Romney admits that over the last two years he’s paid less than 15 percent in taxes on $43 million in income.

Makes you wonder if some years he paid any taxes at all.

Obama supporters aren’t saying Romney didn’t pay taxes. They’re just “asking questions.”

Well, there’s a lot about President Transparency that makes you go “hmm,” so conservatives are pushing back with the #makesyouwonder hashtag. National Review’s Jim Geraghty got the ball rolling.

#MakesYouWonder what is in the DOJ records of Fast & Furious that Obama invoked Executive Privilege over.

— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) July 17, 2012

Since we know Obama"s transcripts would be released if they were impressive, #MakesYouWonder how bad they are.

— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) July 17, 2012

#MakesYouWonder why his administration is so adamant that states not remove ineligible voter names from the rolls.

— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) July 17, 2012

Hey, we’re just wondering. And that’s not all that makes the right side of the Twitterverse wonder.

#MakesYouWonder why he tried to downplay his relationship with an unrepentant domestic terrorist.

— RB (@RBPundit) July 17, 2012

#MakesYouWonder about his favorable home-purchase arrangement with convicted felon Tony Rezko.

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 17, 2012

#MakesYouWonder how he could sit in a church for 20 years without hearing any of Wright"s "controversial" sermons.

— Kevin Oberg (@kevinsoberg) July 17, 2012

#makesyouwonder just how long the President has been a White Sox fan.

— Moe Lane (@moelane) July 17, 2012

#makesyouwonder why Obama can"t speak a foreign language when Columbia has a foreign language requirement.

— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) July 17, 2012

Lack of control over foreign donations to Obama"s reelection website #MakesYouWonder if they want to comply with the law.

— DrewMTips (@DrewMTips) July 17, 2012

#makesyouwonder why the LA Times won"t release the video of Rashid Khalidi and Obama.

— DrewMTips (@DrewMTips) July 17, 2012

#Makesyouwonder why Obama gave @SteveWestly half a billion of your taxpayer $ – http://t.co/ZLKEB7LA

— Reince Priebus (@Reince) July 17, 2012

Team Obama has tried desperately to portray Mitt Romney as a secretive, shady character whose campaign is driven by “clandestine” meetings, “shadowy” money, and “secret gatherings of billionaires.” All while the president invokes executive privilege to hide Fast and Furious documents, covers up his ties to criminals and terrorists and quietly lines the pockets of big donors.

Makes you wonder.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/07/17/obama-ad-romney-makes-you-wonder-if-he-paid-taxes-what-does-obama-makeyouwonder/

Obama ad ‘wonders’ if Romney even paid taxes; conservatives push back

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