2015. május 27., szerda

Glory days are over: Bruce Springsteen pens crappy song for Obama


At an Obama campaign event in Parma, Ohio, Springsteen premiered his new song, “Forward and Away We Go.” He joked that it had been commissioned by the president himself, but these lyrics could be considered an impeachable offense.

This can’t be real. But ’tis: We kissed & I said it’s a hell of a state. [Forward]/We made love, but it wasn’t so great is.gd/cj4YQ3

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 18, 2012

Oh yes. It’s real, all right. But it is most definitely not spectacular.

The mockage was swift and wonderful:

Bruce @springsteen‘s Obama campaign song rhymes the president’s name with mama, pajama, Obama. Yep, it’s that bad: prefixm.ag/QBLZBo

— Prefixmag (@prefixmag) October 19, 2012

Oh my.No jokes needed, really.LOL RT @michellemalkin: Here is video of the atrocious Springsteen Obama anthem youtu.be/Q1W7HEaT9kw

— Mrs. McPea (@MrsMcPea) October 19, 2012

Bruce Springsteen wrote a half-assed Obama campaign song #GreatJobInternet avc.lu/Wwo9xO

— The AV Club (@TheAVClub) October 19, 2012

cant look at him anymore MT @michellemalkin: Here is video of atrocious Springsteen Obama anthem we were joking about youtu.be/Q1W7HEaT9kw

— Babs (@GadsdenBabs) October 19, 2012

Anymore? It was never easy to begin with.

Ah Poor Bruce Springsteen, Singing another miserable song….That all he know how to sing. I See why he Love Obama so Much.

— Ambi Nwoke (@AmbiNwoke1) October 19, 2012

Mr. Springsteen, with all due respect stick to music. You are a moron when it comes to politics….

— stevekotulak (@sbkfig) October 19, 2012

If that song is any indication of the current status of his musical talents, he might want to consider giving up the music, too.

@michellemalkin Springsteen needs to give up his day job.

— Brian Hilton (@Shep_Brian) October 19, 2012

Don’t drool, Bruce!Bruce Springsteen sings his Obama campaign song: youtu.be/Q1W7HEaT9kw

— Neely (@NBusc41144) October 19, 2012

@michellemalkin If Bruce Springsteen is the “Boss” I quit !

— Jay Joyce (@JayJoyce) October 19, 2012

@michellemalkin Have you ever seen a musical performer with less rhythm? #springsteen

— Pete (@apprazer54) October 18, 2012

He’s got no rhythm, makes lousy music … Bruce, we beg you: don’t sing anything more.

avclub.com/articles/bruce… c’mon Bruce this is just…awful…haha

— Wayne Whittaker (@WayneTwittaker) October 19, 2012

I’m going to puke! rollingstone.com/music/news/bru…

— Terry (@tapechacek) October 19, 2012

Surprise move, Bruce Springsteen changes the name of every girl in his songs to Barack Obama so B-Man strap your hands across these engines!

— Dustin Meadows (@dustinmeadows) October 19, 2012

Just wait. It’s only a matter of time.

For his part, Springsteen couldn’t’ve been more pleased with himself:

“Forward and away we go!” Bruce’s new campaign song commissioned by @barackobama twitpic.com/b5c8id

— Bruce Springsteen (@springsteen) October 18, 2012

Springsteen loves Obama because he finally made America as depressing as his songs.

— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) October 18, 2012


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/10/19/glory-days-are-over-bruce-springsteen-pens-crappy-song-for-obama/

Glory days are over: Bruce Springsteen pens crappy song for Obama

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