2015. május 31., vasárnap

President sits down with YouTube stars to push Obamacare signups


The historic meeting was held months ago, but today the White House released a behind-the-scenes video of President Obama’s meeting with several YouTube personalities, encouraging them to use their social media reach to help sell Obamacare.

Keyboard Cat was nowhere to be found, but the president did sit down with Tyler Oakley and Iman Crosson, as well as Hannah Hart, who went on to score that sweet gig hosting Covered California’s six-hour, Richard Simmons-starring YouTube telethon. You remember; this thing:

Hmm… comments are blocked for that video for some reason.

For his part, Iman Crosson, also known as Alphacat, contributed the “Drop It Like It’s Hot” parody.

That video so far has racked up just over a million views. How many young people did it convince to enroll? As we’ve since learned, signups of the uninsured are not a data point the CMS is “really collecting in any sort of systematic way.”


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Covered California’s ‘Richard Simmons twerk-a-thon’ tries to reach uninsured millenials

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/03/06/president-sits-down-with-youtube-stars-to-push-obamacare-signups/

President sits down with YouTube stars to push Obamacare signups

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