2015. május 28., csütörtök

R.E.M.’s Michael Stipe: ‘Our music does not belong’ at Fox News; Update: Fox fires back


Following in the illustrious footsteps of Maroon 5’s Adam Levine, former R.E.M. frontman Michael Stipe threw a fit over Fox News’ use of the band’s “Losing My Religion” during its DNC coverage. R.E.M. issued a statement calling for Fox News to “cease and desist.” Stipe took the opportunity to don his trademark pretentious pants:

“We have little or no respect for their puff adder brand of reportage. Our music does not belong there.”

“Puff adder reportage”? Well! That’s a slap in the face to Fox News if we ever saw one! Many of R.E.M.’s fans agreed and thought the cease-and-desist was just ducky:

http://t.co/qu1x0Pum REM tells Fox News to quit using their song in a way that is pig ignorant of what it"s about.

— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) September 7, 2012

Go "head, Michael Stipe! http://t.co/gF5I7FgC (via @ohbretterson)

— Melissa Lake Moran (@melissa_lake) September 7, 2012

Haha, yes! RT @Salon: R.E.M. tells @FoxNews to stop using their music, compares the network to an (cont) http://t.co/geeY7Rsi

— Raquel Adams (@raqueladams) September 7, 2012

Love Michael Stipe! RT@politico R.E.M. to Fox News: Lose our song http://t.co/XFZpbnAE

— John Grazide (@Jbox415) September 7, 2012

A salute to Michael Stipe and R.E.M. for standing up to the music thieves at the Fuckwit Noise channel.
“We have… http://t.co/yhCLO8gD

— ILIWIWUITMABOIP (@4MoreYrsReElecO) September 7, 2012

lol, we have ALL the music! RT @GregMitch: R.E.M. demands Fox News "puff adders" stop using their "Losing My Religion" http://t.co/PtdqLycp

— Nioshii (@Nartist) September 7, 2012

R.E.M. tells Fox News to stop using their music: "Our music does not belong there." http://t.co/eBrOxtjL OH SNAP.

— Lily Bolourian (@LilyBolourian) September 7, 2012

nice :-) RT @GregMitch: R.E.M. demands Fox News "puff adders" stop using their "Losing My Religion." http://t.co/zAz7Eyz9

— Mathew Ingram (@mathewi) September 7, 2012

Hey, Republicans, please just enjoy the silence or stick with Ted Nugent or Megadeth songs. http://t.co/D7o9qaI8

— More Humans (@morehumans) September 7, 2012

R.E.M telling Fox News to fuck off is the best thing I"ve read today.

— Marc Ellerby (@MarcEllerby) September 7, 2012

Poor rightwingers – musicians always demanding they stop playing their songs. Now it"s REM vs Fox News: http://t.co/i3CZ38p2

— sarahlane (@sarahlaneSF) September 7, 2012


Awesome. RT @Jawside: R.E.M Protest Fox News" Use of "Losing My Religion": "Our Music Does Not Belong There" http://t.co/AfS93CrV #fb

— Matthew Cooper (@matt02392) September 7, 2012

Thank you Michael Stipe! “@THR: R.E.M. Slams Fox News, Demands It Stops Playing "Losing My Religion" http://t.co/K6Zs5AJL

— Sohrob Tahmasebi (@sohrob) September 7, 2012

conservative co-opting of liberal music is so weird. Use your own crappy cultural touchstones. (h/t @AmandaMarcotte) http://t.co/kFXjuYsU

— Lisa Needham (@snipy) September 7, 2012

@LeaningLeftward Way To Go R.E.M! You"re amazing music does NOT belong on a station of HATE!

— Lara Schultz (@lara_schultz68) September 7, 2012

Amazing. “@alysonshane: Hahaha awesome – R.E.M. orders Fox News to stop playing ‘Losing My Religion’ during DNC http://t.co/3fxY9hMi

— Kara (@InSepiaTone) September 7, 2012

Good to know Michael Stipe and co are still kicking RT @politico R.E.M. to Fox News: Lose our song http://t.co/Rj27DZ66

— Julia Dahl (@juliadahl) September 7, 2012

It disgusts me that the filthy, lying #GOP were trying to use a great R.E.M. song to further their racist, homophobic agenda.

— Tracy (@angstytimelord) September 7, 2012

Not everyone was so enamored of Stipe and the band. In fact, they seemed pretty “meh” about the whole thing:

Good! Worst band ever! RT @politico: R.E.M. to Fox News: Lose our song http://t.co/SWR3PTXy

— FlyingRedChair (@FlyingRedChair) September 7, 2012

Aww their feelings are hurt MT @mediaite: R.E.M. Slams Fox For Using Song During DNC: "Our Music Does Not Belong There" http://t.co/ki4q4Fut

— Rschrim (@Rschrim) September 7, 2012

Music belongs to the person who pays for it. MT @mediaite: R.E.M. Slams Fox For Using Their Song During DNC Coverage http://t.co/wOKLbLBZ

— Lisa De Pasquale (@LisaDeP) September 7, 2012

@Spectricide THUS, R.E.M. will collect their profits from Fox while at the same time pretending sanctimonious indignation

— Jeff Douglas (@Boomerjeff) September 7, 2012

Wait, R.E.M. is still a thing?RT @politico: R.E.M. to Fox News: Lose our song http://t.co/LRFO80Xn

— Bob ن (@BobHicks_) September 7, 2012

Something tells us Fox won’t be hurting too much. Maybe they’ll even give R.E.M. the “Red Eye” treatment.

We sure hope so!



This afternoon, Fox News kicked R.E.M. right smack in the whiny pants:

Fox News fires back at REM in ‘Losing My Religion’ cease-and-desist fight http://t.co/ZV0yvUyQ

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) September 7, 2012

“FOX News Channel’s use of an R.E.M. song during Thursday’s edition of ‘Fox & Friends’ was in full accordance with its license agreements with all appropriate parties,” a Fox News representative said. “Nevertheless, we’re always flattered to have this much attention for a song selection and we hope R.E.M. was able to satisfy their publicity fix.”

Oh, sa-NAP!

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/09/07/r-e-m-s-michael-stipe-our-music-does-not-belong-at-fox-news/

R.E.M.’s Michael Stipe: ‘Our music does not belong’ at Fox News; Update: Fox fires back

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