2015. május 27., szerda

Meltdown: Laura Ingraham calls out Bill O’Reilly on ‘Bible thumper’ insult


If the Associated Press can pressure thousands of newspapers and other media outlets to drop the term “illegal immigrant,” is it too much to ask that conservatives think twice before dismissing other conservatives as “Bible thumpers”? Apparently so. Fox News host Bill O’Reilly is unhappy that his critics — unhinged “zealots,” that is — have latched on to his use of that term as evidence of a feud between him and right-wing radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh.

O’Reilly’s brilliant approach to countering that misconception? Pick a fight with another right-wing radio host, in the form of Laura Ingraham. If she was thumping a Bible, there was no way we could have heard it over O’Reilly’s ranting.

So, I guess it’s the 8pm’ers turn to trash talk radio. Nice going, Fox News.

— Tish(@KamaainaInOC) April 3, 2013

Wow. Bill @oreillyfactor is making a complete ass of himself with Laura @ingrahamangle. I’m not Christian, FTR. This is embarrassing.

— Melvin Udall (@Melvin_Udall_) April 3, 2013

@oreillyfactor anytime you refer to anyone in a derogatory way, you lose the debate Bill. @ingrahamangle

— IrritatedWoman™ (@irritatedwoman) April 3, 2013

O’Reilly is being a dick to Laura Ingraham right now.’Bible thumpers’ is a pejorative term, and I’m sure he knows it.

— Rob (@rovibe71) April 3, 2013

@oreillyfactor So Bill you’ve never used the wrong words to describe something. That is arrogant and not like you. @ingrahamangle

— Mike W #NRA (@glockster23) April 3, 2013

@ingrahamangle You are right on about O’Reilly! He was insulting to Christians with his wrong choice of words.

— ⭐Margaret Starry⭐ (@marstarry) April 3, 2013

@ingrahamangle Anytime O’Reilly speaks about anything related to Christians/Bible he is a KNOW NOTHING BULLY! PLEASE don’t sub for him again

— Lynda (@my3gts) April 3, 2013

O’Reilly “I’m not feuding with conservatives” talking point as he chews Laura Ingraham out over petty disagreement on choice of words. #sigh

— Danny Lamas (@DannyLamas) April 3, 2013

Whether Bill @oreillyfactor agrees or not, or intended it or not, his “Bible Thumper” comment helped the Left. @ingrahamangle @limbaugh

— Sam Thiessen (@SamThiessen) April 3, 2013


Yes @oreillyfactor “thump the bible” was rude FIGHTING WORDS. U didn’t have to go there. But u did. It was WRONG. @ingrahamangle #tcot

— di kele (@Pudingtane) April 3, 2013

@ingrahamangle U were right.Bills”Bible Thumping” was offensive.He’s just ticked cause u called him out on it.I say he objected too much.

— sk (@griffisk) April 3, 2013

@ingrahamangle Laura, don’t understand why Bill didn’t get the point you were making.The phrase is offensive to followers of Christ.

— Inspiring Quotes (@hjrogers79) April 3, 2013

@ingrahamanglelaura i agree..’bible thumping’ is derogatory; liberals didn’t hear anything before or after Bill used the term

— Tom Doty (@wiimiitom) April 3, 2013

@ingrahamangle @oreillyfactor “Clinging” is unacceptable and insulting BUT “Thumping” is not??? @oreillyfactor‘s hypocrisy is living large!!

— Karen(@karenann915) April 3, 2013

Know what I’d like to thump right now? Bill O’Reilly’s skull. When does Laura @ingrahamangle finally get her own show? I’ll watch. #ClassAct

— Christy J. (@NObamaGirl) April 3, 2013

@ingrahamangle thank you for setting @oreillyfactor straight!! Thump this!!!!!

— Ronni Gallina (@flossmyheart) April 3, 2013

An apology to Ingraham wouldn’t be out of line, but we’d be surprised to hear even an “I’m sorry if you were offended” non-apology from O’Reilly.

I salute @ingrahamangle for her remarkable grace & good humor tonight. Fave moment: “Why are you yelling at me?”

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) April 3, 2013

A decade and a half on Cable- O’reilly is taking it out on conservatives instead of Obama who is the problem @michellemalkin @ingrahamangle

— He Has Failed (@He_Has_Failed) April 3, 2013

@michellemalkin @ingrahamangle Oreilly was simply a thin skinned bully thug…nothing more, nothing less. Shame on him.

— DocGuido (@DocGuido) April 3, 2013

@michellemalkin @ingrahamangle I agree wholeheartedly.Orielly is thin skinned and self-absorbed.A true narcissist.

— Tom Taber (@TomTaber) April 3, 2013

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/04/02/meltdown-laura-ingraham-calls-out-bill-oreilly-on-bible-thumper-insult-video/

Meltdown: Laura Ingraham calls out Bill O’Reilly on ‘Bible thumper’ insult

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